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The Enigma behind the Good–Turing formula
Schnappschüsse moderner Mathematik aus Oberwolfach
The Enigma behind the Good–Turing formula
Finding the total number of species in a population based on a finite sample is a difficult but practically important problem. In this snapshot, we will attempt to shed light on how during World War II, two cryptanalysts, Irving J. Good and Alan M. Turing, discovered one of the most widely applied formulas in statistics. The formula estimates the probability of missing some of the species in a sample drawn from a heterogeneous population. We will provide some intuition behind the formula, show its wide range of applications, and give a few technical details.
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Mathematisches Fachgebiet
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik
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Mathematisches Fachgebiet
Algebra und Zahlentheorie
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Diskrete Mathematik und Grundlagen
Geometrie und Topologie
Numerik und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik
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Chemie und Geowissenschaft
Ingenieurwissenschaft und Technik
Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaft
Überlegungen zur Mathematik