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Patterns and waves in theory, experiment, and application
Schnappschüsse moderner Mathematik aus Oberwolfach
Patterns and waves in theory, experiment, and application
In this snapshot of modern mathematics we describe some of the most prevalent waves and patterns that can arise in mathematical models and which are used to describe a number of biological, chemical, physical, and social processes. We begin by focussing on two types of patterns that do not change in time: space-filling patterns and localized patterns. We then discuss two types of waves that evolve predictably as time goes on: spreading waves and rotating waves. All our examples are motivated with real-world applications and we highlight some of the main lines of research that mathematicians pursue to better understand them.
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Mathematisches Fachgebiet


Numerik und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
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snapshots: overview
Mathematisches Fachgebiet

Algebra und Zahlentheorie


Didaktik und Bildung

Diskrete Mathematik und Grundlagen

Geometrie und Topologie

Numerik und Wissenschaftliches Rechnen

Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik
Verbindung zu anderen Gebieten

Chemie und Geowissenschaft


Ingenieurwissenschaft und Technik


Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaft



Überlegungen zur Mathematik