Data assimilation: mathematics for merging models and data

Snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach

Data assimilation: mathematics for merging models and data

When you describe a physical process, for example, the weather on Earth, or an engineered system, such as a self-driving car, you typically have two sources of information. The first is a mathematical model, and the second is information obtained by collecting data. To make the best predictions for the weather, or most effectively operate the self-driving car, you want to use both sources of information. Data assimilation describes the mathematical, numerical and computational framework for doing just that.

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Mathematical subjects

Numerics and Scientific Computing

Connections to other fields

Chemistry and Earth Science


Matthias Morzfeld, Sebastian Reich


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Mathematical subjects

Algebra and Number Theory
Didactics and Education
Discrete Mathematics and Foundations
Geometry and Topology
Numerics and Scientific Computing
Probability Theory and Statistics

Connections to other fields

Chemistry and Earth Science
Computer Science
Engineering and Technology
Humanities and Social Sciences
Life Science
Reflections on Mathematics

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