Characterizations of intrinsic volumes on convex bodies and convex functions

Snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach

Characterizations of intrinsic volumes on convex bodies and convex functions

If we want to express the size of a two-dimensional shape with a number, then we usually think about its area or circumference. But what makes these quantities so special? We give an answer to this question in terms of classical mathematical results. We also take a look at applications and new generalizations to the setting of functions.

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Mathematical subjects

Geometry and Topology


Fabian Mussnig


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snapshots: overview

Mathematical subjects

Algebra and Number Theory
Didactics and Education
Discrete Mathematics and Foundations
Geometry and Topology
Numerics and Scientific Computing
Probability Theory and Statistics

Connections to other fields

Chemistry and Earth Science
Computer Science
Engineering and Technology
Humanities and Social Sciences
Life Science
Reflections on Mathematics

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