

Projects are open for collaboration and need support. The community is invited to think along, to work along, to help in design, programming or general implementation. Projects can be a new exhibition, new software, new ways of communicating maths, a publication, etc. If you have a project idea to be listed here, please send an email to We will guide you through the submission process.

IMAGINARY cooperates with several Goethe-Institutes worldwide. The workshops will take place online and at the Pasch schools (with German language courses) all over the world. Students will learn about, experience and play with core concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
There is also a teacher training option available in German or English (other languages on request).


This workshop provides an overview of some key mathematical concepts used to model weather and climate. It can take place both online and on-site at events, schools, … all over the world. The workshop can be held in German or English (other languages on request).


MusKI vermittelt über digitale Explorables, Workshops und Event-Formate auf spielerische Weise aktuelle Forschung zu Musik und Künstlicher Intelligenz. Erlebe, wie Mensch und Maschine in der Musik auf kreative Weise zusammenwirken können und entdecke deren jeweilige Grenzen.


SMEM - Significant Mathematics for Early Mathematicians is an Erasmus+ project where six European partner organizations prepare physical and virtual educational resources to develop the mathematical thinking in children of very early age.


Mathina is a two-year collaboration Erasmus+ project between five European organizations, to promote mathematical thinking by developing, implementing, and disseminating open educational tools adequate to the digital age.


IMAGINARY provides workshop materials für students and adults to learn about different “core concepts” of Artificial Intelligence (AI).


Data is crucial in today’s mathematics research. From experimental data obtained in laboratories or in the field to results of simulation; from formulas scattered across the literature to catalogs of classified mathematical objects. Ensuring that all this data is used and reused efficiently across disciplines is a major challenge in current research.

MaRDI is a German-wide initiative to address those challenges in the mathematical reseach.


IMAGINARY cooperates with several Goethe-Institutes worldwide. Many workshops will take place at the Pasch schools (with German language courses) all over the world.



Below we list IMAGINARY’s presence in the African continent, with links to each individual event or activity.


(Für Deutsch hier klicken: We are calling on students of the art and design fields as well as independent artists and designers to participate in the Math Creations contest for art, design and mathematics. The goal of the contest is new creative ideas based on mathematical concepts and their realization. It is organized by the collaborative research centers “Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics” and “Space - Time - Matter. Analytic and Geometric Structures” in collaboration with IMAGINARY.


The International Day of Mathematics (IDM) is a worldwide celebration of mathematics, held each year on March 14, see It is coordinated by the International Mathematical Union and has been proclaimed by UNESCO. For the IDM 2021 and its theme “Mathematics for a Better World” we joined hands with partner organizations in 3 African countries to plan and organize a series of ONLINE EVENTS with panel discussions, talks, interactive workshops, classroom activities, competitions, teacher trainings, etc.


Pop Math’s goal is to gather all the POPular events on MATHematics in Europe (and beyond) on a single map. Everybody is invited to add events or to use Pop Math as a reference for ongoing mathematics outreach activities!


This is a networking project for professionals of Math Communication. The objective is to support the community of math communicators, and to stimulate the exchange of experiences and ideas between members of this network.


MathsWorldUK and IMAGINARY are working together to build a network for mathematics museums worldwide. Its goal is to connect mathematics museums, to strengthen collaborations between them and to implement joint projects. As a first action together, a new call for exhibits is open, on the current hot topic of pandemics and viruses. Funding is available for the creation of the exhibit.


We are creating a new exhibition, which aims to bring understanding about Artificial Intelligence to the general public.


IMAGINARY is exploring a new format for science communication we call Mobile Museum: a self contained, free standing, portable, physical station that offers the experience of a science museum exhibition in less than one square meter and in a brief amount of time. It can use all the forms of communication of a traditional exhibition (text, image, video, sound, physical objects), and various forms of interaction and participation (interactive software and input hardware). The project started in 2020 and will be a two years project, it will be accompanied by an external evaluation study. The project is supported by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS).


Hilbert is an open source infrastructure to deploy, start, stop, exchange and monitor digital interactives in museums, exhibition centers, public venues or data centers. It has been developed by IMAGINARY in collaborating with the Heidelberg Institute of Theoretical Studies (HITS) from 2015 - 2019.

With Hilbert you can more easily show digital interactives in your science museum or for your exhibition!


Thanks to our worldwide community and great content, IMAGINARY is more popular than ever! To help IMAGINARY grow and meet the increasing demand, we have decided to found our own non-profit organisation, supported by the Leibniz Association.


After the success of two public exhibitions in Kao-hsiung (Dec. 2015~ Feb. 2016) and Taipei (Mar. 2016~ May 2016), the IMAGINARY— Infinity and Beyond, held by TMS (the Mathematical Society of Taiwan), looked for local schools outside these two cities for small-scaled exhibitions so that more people can enjoy these wonderful mathematical arts during the period between June, 2016 and May 2017. So far, thirteen schools joined this project.


The project “IMAGINARY Turkey” is part of the German-Turkish Year of Science and is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Science and Education (BMBF). Its idea is to strengthen scientific ties between the two countries through jointly organizing mathematics exhibition and through networking in the field of mathematics communication.


The project aims to enhance the scientific exchange and dissemination of current mathematical research between Germany and Israel.


The IMAGINARY exhibition is showing in various cities in The Netherlands throughout September 2016 – June 2017. Admission is free!

Enter the international MPE competition!
extended Deadline: July 16, 2017

Submit your exhibition modules to participate in the new competition for Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE). The best modules will be awarded and will be featured in the already successful MPE exhibition. There will be a special prize for Africa-related exhibits.

MathSpaces: places to manipulate, to discover, and to model mathematics

IMAGINARY is preparing a new exhibition about the fascinating relationship between mathematics and music projected to be unveiled at the MAINS (Mathematics and Informatics Station) in Heidelberg. Presented by the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation the show is scheduled to open in spring 2019.


TROP ICSU (Transdiciplinary Research-Oriented Pedagogy for Improving Climate Studies and Understanding) is a global project funded by the International Council of Science to improve awareness of climate change and the science behind it on high school and undergraduate levels of education. The project develops detailed educational resources availables to teachers, that bring climate-related examples and case studies to the core curriculum, and enhance conceptual understanding of the topics in basic science, mathematics and other disciplines.

The goal is not to introduce Climate Education as a stand-alone topic, but to integrate it with the core curriculum of Science, Mathematics, and Social Sciences.


The STEM and Arts (STEAM) Hub (MINT&ART) project is an initiative under the “SMEs for Innovation“ pillar of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It aims to provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with outreach activities in STEAM fields, with better prerequisites for developing their own innovation activities as well as new business models. A central element is a two-day ‘Innovation Forum’, an initial stimulus for forming networks that extend the partner structure or forming permanent close cooperations with other networks.


The Mathematics Translations in Europe (MaTiE) project is a collaborative project of popular mathematics communicators within Europe, with the aim to disseminate print and online media on popular mathematics within Europe, with a particular focus on availability of translations in as many European languages possible. The project is initiated by the Raising Public Awareness Committee of the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and coordinated by its members in collaboration with IMAGINARY.


Imaginary goes virtual with tools and new exhibits to augment our current exhibitions.


[ Para español visitar ]
The project IMAGINARY URUGUAY aims to spread and bring over the community to the mathematical research in an interactive, understandable and visually attractive way, building a plataform to enhance the collaboration between the different stakeholders in mathematics education.


IMAGINARY@Belgium 2015-2016 is a travelling exhibition organised by the Flanders Mathematics Olympiade, the KU Leuven and Kulak, the University of Antwerp, Ghent University, Hasselt University, the Free University of Brussels and the Belgian Mathematical Society.


The idea of Mathcraft is to create paper sculptures of algebraic surfaces which can be rebuild at home. How do we get from the equation of a surface to a 2d surface mesh and then to paper sculptures? The idea of this project is to answer this question, to prepare such meshes for a series of standard and non-standard surfaces and to describe open tools which help us to do so.


The French section of IMAGINARY is launched! During the year 2015, there are going to be events and exhibition, and the entire website is going to be translated to French…


A bundle of opensource software for “playing music” on algebraic surfaces (AS).
It is a generative music method based on trajectories traced over AS.
The goal of the project is the interactive exploration of different musical and aural posibilities of the AS.


jsurf is the core of the SURFER program and many other projects for visualizing real algebraic surfaces. It is able to produce images of a single algebraic surface quite quickly and robust. This projects aims for extending the capabilities of jsurf towards rendering of multiple implicit surfaces with transparencies.


SURFER is a program for visualizing real algebraic surfaces. The user interface is primarily designed for exhibitions. It does not offer advanced options for more professional users. In addition, its implementation is based on the JavaFX 1.3 framework which has been abandoned by Oracle in 2010. In order to continue development on this wonderful program, the user interface needs to be rewritten using a different user interface (UI) toolkit.