Route planning for bacteria

Instantáneas de la actualidad matemática desde Oberwolfach

Route planning for bacteria

Bacteria have been fascinating biologists since their discovery in the late 17th century. By analysing their movements, mathematical models have been developed as a tool to understand their behaviour. However, adapting these models to real situations can be challenging, because the model coefficients cannot be observed directly. In this snapshot, we study this question mathematically and explain how the idea of “route planning” can be used to determine these model coefficients.

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Ciencias de la vida


Kathrin Hellmuth, Christian Klingenberg


DOI (Identificador de objetos digitales)


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snapshots: overview

Área matemática

Álgebra y Teoría de números
Didáctica y Educación
Matemática discreta y Fundamentos
Geometría y Topología
Cálculo numérico y científico
Teoría de la probabilidad y Estadística

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