Polyhedral Calendars 2017
etkileşimli modüller
Polyhedral Calendars 2017
The PDF file includes 53 nets for different polyhedral calendars.
Emeği Geçenler
Founded in 2010, the House of Polyhedra is a permanent exhibition of polyhedra and polyhedral kaleidoscops. It offers many kinds of activities for children, schools, and teachers.
- Authors
Izidor Hafner, Mateja Budin.
MATHEMA and the House of Polyhedra
Ortaklar/Maddi Destekler:
Web sitesi
OpArt polyhedral calendars 2017 on Archimedean solids with icosahedral symmetry.
This collection includes:
- 1 dodecahedron,
- 8 truncated dodecahedra,
- 8 truncated icosahedra,
- 8 snub dodecahedra,
- 8 rhombicosidodecahedra,
- 8 icosidodecahedra, and
- 12 truncated cuboctahedra
The 7 nets with various patterns are also available here.