Estrellas de Galicia y Lisboa
I made a Gallery 2, named “Estrellas de Galicia y Lisboa”. It became after Gallery 1, inspired by the exhibition of Imaginary at Santiago de Compostela, Spain. I was motivated by several images with mathematical content and stars which I met during my visit in Santiago de Compostela and Lisbon. They are completed by plots of stellated and truncated polyhedrons and stars made by Mathematica.

Stars on buildings of Santiago
Coats of arms with stars on buildings in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Roseton, Santiago
Roseton. Maestro Mateo, 1200. Museum of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

Stellated Polyhedra 1
Great Stellated Ikosahedron, Great Stellated Dodecahedron, Stellated Dodecahedrons. Made by Mathemaica package Graphics’ Polyhedra.

Pentagon star (Pentagram) from the lobby of Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal. Pentagrams were used as a religious symbols by the Babylonians and by the Pythagoreans in ancient Greece.
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, whose aims are in arts, charity, education and science, is established in Portugal, 1956. The founder, Calouste Gulbenkian, was Armenian born near Istanbul, who worked in Britain and became British citizen, lived in France and settled in Portugal.

Stellated Polyhedra 2
Stellated Octahedron, Stellated Dodecahedron, Stellated Hexahedrons. Made by Mathemaica package Graphics’ Polyhedra.

Polyhedra 3
Icosahedrons, Hexahedrons and Dodecahedrons made by Graphics3D, Table in Mathematica.

Trunkated polyhedra
Truncated Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Hexahedrons and Ikosahedron made by Mathematica.

Gare do Oriente
View on the platforms of Gare do Oriente (Lisbon Orient Station). It is one of the main transport hubs in Lisbon, designed by the Spanish architect Santaiago Calatrava and built by Nesco. It was finished in 1998 for Expo’98.

Saddle structure in Jardim da Estrela, Lisbon.
The Jardim da Estrela is a delightful park in front of Basilica da Estrela in Lisbon. It was created in the mid XIX century. The garden has several statues, lakes, populations of various birds and plant species.

Polygon stars
Polygon stars. {Cos[4t], Sin[4t]}, (t. 0, 6π, 6π/7}, made by Mathematica.