Mathematikon: A Mathematical Shopping Center

General background material

Mathematikon: A Mathematical Shopping Center

We describe the permanent integration of mathematical content into a shopping center in Heidelberg, Germany. Main features are a mathematical image gallery, conveyor belt designs, a multi touch screen station, riddles in the bathroom, and at the bakery, classic quotes, as well as a temporary shop window display.

Mathematical subjects

Didactics and Education

Connections to other fields

Humanities and Social Sciences
Reflections on Mathematics
Bianca Violet, Andreas Matt



Mathematikon_paper (PDF)

More general background material

Mathematical subjects

Algebra and Number Theory
Didactics and Education
Discrete Mathematics and Foundations
Geometry and Topology
Numerics and Scientific Computing
Probability Theory and Statistics

Connections to other fields

Chemistry and Earth Science
Computer Science
Engineering and Technology
Humanities and Social Sciences
Life Science
Reflections on Mathematics

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