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Black Mathematician Month - Presentation
General background material
Black Mathematician Month - Presentation
Coinciding with the tradition in some countries of the Black History Month, the Black Mathematician Month is an effort for public sensiblilization of the presence of the black minority in the mathematical community. Promoted by the Chalkdust magazine, a series of articles written by black mathematicians will appear in that magazine and in other supporting math outreach projects (The Aperiodical, Plus, IMAGINARY).
Mathematical subjects
Connections to other fields

Humanities and Social Sciences

Reflections on Mathematics
More general background material
Mathematical subjects

Algebra and Number Theory


Didactics and Education

Discrete Mathematics and Foundations

Geometry and Topology

Numerics and Scientific Computing

Probability Theory and Statistics
Connections to other fields

Chemistry and Earth Science

Computer Science

Engineering and Technology


Humanities and Social Sciences

Life Science


Reflections on Mathematics