IMAGINARY Conference 2018

IMAGINARY Conference 2018
4 Nov. 2018

Join the second IMAGINARY conference on open and collaborative communication of mathematical research!

From December 5 to 8, 2018 in Mondevideo, Uruguay. Register before November 15th !

The IMAGINARY Conference on Open and Collaborative Communication of Mathematical Research 2018 (IC18) is an interdisciplinary gathering of mathematicians, communicators and interested professionals who wish to discuss and work together on current issues of communication and knowledge transfer in mathematics. In contrast to a classical conference, IC18 will take a participative and collaborative approach in order to advance new ideas, bring forward concrete results and help shape the future of mathematics communication.

The program of the IC18 is a rich mixture of inspiring talks and hands-on workshops in four areas of current mathematics communication. Guest talks from international professionals will introduce each topic followed by a selection of contributed presentations. The workshops are designed to run in parallel and each will gather a group of participants to address a specific task that is achievable in the given timeframe of 11 hours over three afternoons. All results of the conference will be made openly available to the community. A diverse evening cultural program will make networking and mingling with your peers easy and allow you discover the beautiful city of Montevideo.

Find out the preliminary program and the workshops program. And all info at:

Sign up for IC18 newsletter to receive emails with news and announcements about the conference.

You can reach us with any questions at

See you in Montevideo!


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