IMAGINARY gGmbH spin-off celebration

IMAGINARY gGmbH spin-off celebration
5 Mai. 2017

Millions of visitors in more than 50 countries and 27 languages have experienced the IMAGINARY exhibition, initiated at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach in the context of the Year of Mathematics 2008. Indeed, our open source philosophy still creates overwhelming feedback around the globe and hence led to our recently founded organization IMAGINARY gGmbH with headquarters in Berlin, supported by the Leibniz Association. We celebrated our newly established non-profit organization at our spin-off-party on Thursday, May 4 2017, in the venue of our most recent exhibition “IMAGINARY - in touch with mathematics” located prominently in Financial DRIVE at Unter den Linden, Berlin. You can visit the exhibition until July 8 that is hosted by Volkswagen Financial Services - as was the party.

After welcome words by Dr. Anne Cockwell, Volkswagen Financial Services, and Dr. Andreas Matt, CEO of IMAGINARY, we spent a relaxing and pleasant evening together with family and friends, partners, customers, and supporters. As special guest Prof. Dr. Michael Joswig, Einstein Professor at TU Berlin introduced his freshest development and the new exhibit “Match the Net”. And MUSICO presented its algorithmic music engines, performing 2 live sets: the first, fully autonomously generative; the second, a live interaction between human performers and a real-time AI-based music generator.

Driven by the huge, international  support and positive reactions we are looking forward to our next projects in Romania, Cap Verde, Indonesia, and Canada, following our mission to carry the beauty of mathematics in every corner of the world.



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