Together with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) South Africa and the AIMS Next Einstein Initiative, IMAGINARY is planning a series of events to boost mathematics communication on the African continent in the near future. After the first very successful event in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, we will introduce two upcoming events: a congress in Rabat, Morocco, and a workshop-conference in Cape Town, South Africa.Read more
Klaus Tschira

It is with great sadness that we announce that Klaus Tschira died unexpectedly on March 31, 2015, aged 74 years.
He was a friend and big supporter of IMAGINARY. His death is a great loss to all who knew him and for science that he so passionately promoted.
The physicist Klaus Tschira was in 1972 a co-founder of the software company SAP, now the world’s largest producer of programs for corporate management. After retiring from business operations in 1998, he founded the Klaus Tschira Foundation, one of the largest private charitable foundations in Europe which is dedicated to the promotion of mathematics, computer science, and the natural sciences. The foundation promotes, among other things, projects of IMAGINARY since 2011. In 2013 Klaus Tschira also founded the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, where Abel, Fields, and Turing Laureates meet the next generation of young scientists.
IMAGINARY is greatly indebted to Klaus Tschira.