Join the MATRIX × IMAGINARY online gathering

Join the MATRIX × IMAGINARY online gathering
15 Jul. 2021

Registration is now open for the MATRIX × IMAGINARY Online Gathering that will take place on September 8 - 9, 2021

Join us to discover the future of mathematics engagement. Innovations in math museums, exhibitions, new formats, technologies, and inspiring ideas!

Register now!

Some program highlights:

  • Keynotes by Steven Strogatz, Ingrid Daubechies, and other speakers to be confirmed.

  • Presentations of new mathematics museums and new exhibits.
  • A panel on collaborations between mathematics museums.
  • We invite you to create “The Impossible Math Exhibition” with us.
  • Short talks presenting current projects and ideas in progress.
  • Speed networking and digital booths.

The Online Gathering is a precursor to a physical conference that will take place in Paris in April 2022. Learn more on the official MATRIX × IMAGINARY website.


Want to present at our online gathering?

Do you have ideas to share related to math outreach, including museums, exhibitions, technologies, or other innovative thoughts?

Can you encapsulate your ideas in an inspiring, engaging four‑minute presentation? If so, we want to hear from you!

Submit your proposal for a four-minute talk sharing either a current project or an idea in progress to before August 15, 2021.

The proposal has to include: your name and affiliation, a short bio (2-3 lines), a profile picture, a short description of your project or idea (half a page maximum), and optionally links to the project page or a video.


All News

10 Okt. 2014

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13 Aug. 2014

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  1. der
  2. ...Weiterlesen
15 Apr. 2014

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8 Apr. 2014

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Hier gibt’s die SURFER-Version des Spiels:

