The World goes Maths - First International Day of Mathematics launched and celebrated worldwide!

The World goes Maths - First International Day of Mathematics launched and celebrated worldwide!
14 Mär. 2020

On 14 March 2020, the first-ever International Day of Mathematics will take place, celebrating the beauty and importance of mathematics in our everyday lives. This recurring event, proclaimed by UNESCO and co-organized with the International Mathematical Union (IMU), will be marked in more than 107 countries with over 1000 individual events. Every year, a new theme to flavor the celebration will be announced, spark creativity and bring light to connections between mathematics and all sorts of fields, concepts and ideas. The theme for 2020 is Mathematics is Everywhere.

Read the press releases in different languages, added below.

The UNESCO international official launch planned for Friday March 13, 2020, has been cancelled because of the COVID-19 epidemic. For the same reason, the Next Einstein Forum 2020 (March 10-13, 2020) in Nairobi, Kenya, was postponed, as well as the African official launch of the IDM to take place there. Many other planned events in countries all over the world have been downsized, postponed or even canceled. As a consequence, a special Live Global Launch webpage will accompany all events worldwide on March 14, starting 00:00 New-Zealand time. It will show the new collaborative video, Mathematics is Everywhere, created by the international IDM community. During the wholeday, it will also be posting special announcements, videos, photos and reports from the celebrations taking place in more than 100 different countries.

IMAGINARY was entrusted by the International Mathematical Union with designing and creating the International Day of Mathematics website, as well as the activities and resources to help people organize celebration events all over the world. The project is supported by the Klaus Tschira Foundation.

The website is the main hub for the International Day of Mathematics. Visit it here:

It hosts information material to be used by press and organizers (including logos and flyers in different languages) as well as proposals for activities related to the theme for everyone interested in hosting an event.

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