Just in time for Christmas, IMAGINARY is proud to present our latest product, the IMAGINARY-Entdeckerbox – a box that contains a fine selection of all things IMAGINARY (in German). It is a mix of both physical and electronic materials – 3D sculptures, posters, craft supplies, a Live-DVD with a cocktail of software and...Read more
Opening of the MoMath
Opening of the MoMath
Dec. 12, 2012

The Formula Morph exhibit at the MoMath, New York
The new Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) will open its doors in Manhattan, New York. “Mathematics illuminates the patterns and structures all around us. Our dynamic exhibits and programs will stimulate inquiry, spark curiosity, and reveal the wonders of mathematics. The Museum will have its grand opening on Saturday, December 15, 2012 at 11 East 26th Street in Manhattan.”
IMAGINARY is present with one exhibit: a new interactive physical and virtual algebraic surfaces morpher, called FORMULA MORPH.