How we get our information, how we live and how we communicate - all this has changed radically over the past two decades. Digital technologies play an important role in our everyday lives and provide us with a whole range of new options. Some call it a digital revolution that is matched in scale only by the invention of the printing press. Science Year 2014 “The Digital Society” shows how research can produce new solutions to promote this...Lire la suite
October is Black Mathematician Month!
October is Black Mathematician Month!
2 oct. 2017

Coinciding with the tradition in some countries of the Black History Month, the Black Mathematician Month is an effort for public sensiblilzation of the presence of the black minority in the mathematical community. Promoted by the Chalkdust magazine, a series of articles written by black mathematicians will appear in that magazine and in other supporting math outreach projects (The Aperiodical, Plus, IMAGINARY).