Together with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) South Africa and the AIMS Next Einstein Initiative, IMAGINARY is planning a series of events to boost mathematics communication on the African continent in the near future. After the first very successful event in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, we will introduce two upcoming events: a congress in Rabat, Morocco, and a workshop-conference in Cape Town, South Africa.더 보기
Matopía - a new permanent exhibition in Zaragoza, Spain
Matopía - a new permanent exhibition in Zaragoza, Spain
2014년 4월 15일

Picture by Etopía/Matopía.
The Center of Art and Technology of Zaragoza, Etopía, opened the last April 9th an expositive space “Ciencia Remix” (Science remix), that includes two exhibitions: Matopía and Ciencia Ciudadana (Citizen science).
Matopía is a mathematics exhibition that features amongst others the exhibits MarteMáticas (math in art), Suertes (probability), and IMAGINARY’s program SURFER. Young visitors will have also the possiblility to attend math workshops, as well as to experiment other science exhibits from Ciencia Ciudadana.