This is a workshop of the Science Spaces Series.
Mint Workshop 2018
Optimal bubbleology - in a bubble, the inward surface tension of the liquid fulm are exactly balanced by the outward pushing pressure of the air inside. This reaults in the soap bubnles assuming the shape of least possible surface area contained in a given volume - known as minimal surface. Because of this propert, bubbleology can be used to find minimisation solutions to problems in calculus by finding the minimal surface area within specific constraints. This is known as Plateau, named after the Belgium physicist Joseph Plateau who was the first to solve these types of problems by accident using soap films and wire frames.
Map Projections - No map can accurately preserve the shape or size of a spherical world onto a flat 2-D plain - its simply impossible. Rectangular world maps are prome ti excessive area and distance stretching, espicially close to yhr polar regions, while curcular projections usually present too much shape distortion around the periphery. These examples we have contructed here all more accurate and less distorted representations of our globe than the rectangular Mercator projection likely hanging in your classroom.

Karten Projektionen

Optimal Bubbleology

Optimal Bubbleology