Final stage of the Portugal SURFER competition

Final stage of the Portugal SURFER competition
17 avr. 2013

There is still more than one week left to participate in the ongoing SURFER picture competition, so start being creative and upload your images! The competition, that started already on May 18, 2012 will run until April 28, 2013. Then a judging panel will decide about the winners of the competition.

Algebraic surfaces are produced by simple equations in three spatial coordinates x,y,z. All points which satisfy these equations are drawn. With SURFER, images of algebraic surfaces are easily generated. You will find the program for download and a guidance manual on the SURFER page.

The competition requires creativity, intuition and mathematical skill in order to create equations yourself or to change given equations to produce beautiful images. To participate in the competition, create an image with SURFER, save it as a png file and then upload it on the competition homepage (which is only available in Portuguese – just click on the “Enviar Imagem” item to submit your picture).

More information:
SURFER competition homepage



All News

10 nov. 2015

Les instantanés sont des articles courts et faciles à comprendre sur des thèmes d’actualité de la recherche mathématique. Ils expliquent les problèmes et idées mathématiques d’une façon accessible et compréhensible, et donnent des aperçus passionnants des préoccupations actuelles de la communauté mathématique pour toute personne qui s’intéresse aux mathématiques actuelles.

Les instantanés sont tous écrits par de...Lire la suite

5 juil. 2015

We are very happy to share the good news with you!

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29 juin. 2015

We have two big exhibition openings coming up in early July!

On July 5, the “Mathematics of Planet Earth” exhibition will open at Karlstorbahnhof in Heidelberg, Germany! It runs from July 5 to Aug 2, 2015, and offers a big variety of exciting adventures for children and adults alike. This exhibition is organized by the...Lire la suite

23 avr. 2015

Thanks to the work of the NIMS-IMAGINARY team at CAMP, we now present the whole IMAGINARY platform in Korean, hoping to attract more of the Korean public interested in mathematics.Lire la suite

1 avr. 2015

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He was a friend and big supporter of IMAGINARY. His death is a great loss to all who knew him and for science that he so passionately promoted.Lire la suite
