IMAGINARY in Heidelberg

IMAGINARY in Heidelberg
25 juin. 2014

There will be a big IMAGINARY exhibition in Heidelberg, Germany, July 20 - August 10!
The Kulturhaus Karlstorbahnhof is an attractive location, which even has its own movie theater.

There will be four exhibition stations:

  1. The well known IMAGINARY cube showcasing faszinating images of algebraic surfaces
  2. Interactive programs and installations as SURFER, jReality or Cinderella
  3. 3D-sculptures of algebraic surfaces 
  4. and several hands on stations of the phaeno museum, Wolfsburg.

It will be the first IMAGINARY exhibition in Heidelberg and is organized in collaboration with the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLFF), which hosts the annual Heidelberg Laureate Forum. Find a German description of the exhibition here.

There will also be a math film festival at the Karlstorbahnhof during the first week of the exhibition.

Come and join us in Heidelberg!


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21 mar. 2015

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20 fév. 2015

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9 fév. 2015

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3 nov. 2014

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