Jean-Francois Colonna - Miscellaneous Mathematical Pictures
Miscellaneous Mathematical Pictures
See http://www. lactamme. for more information about this subject.
Recursive intertwining
See http://www. lactamme. for more information about this subject.
See http://www. lactamme. for more information about this subject.
Paradoxal structure
See http://www. lactamme. and http://www. lactamme.… for more information about this subject.
Intertwining based on the geometry of the sphere
See http://www. lactamme. and http://www. lactamme.… more information about this subject.
Intertwining based on the geometry of the Bonan-Jeener's triple Klein bottle
See http://www. lactamme. and http://www. lactamme.… more information about this subject.
Intertwining based on the geometry of the Boy surface
See http://www. lactamme. and http://www. lactamme.… more information about this subject.
Double impossible staircase and a paradoxal structure
Double impossible staircase built by means of a paradoxal structure
Sixteen interlaced torus
See http://www. lactamme. for more information about this subject.
An interpolation between two sets of interlaced torus -four and sixteen respectively-
See http://www. lactamme. for more information about this subject.
A shell (Jeener surface 1) in motion
The normal field of the Klein bottle
A set of 4x3 stereograms of the Lorenz attractor
A set of 4x3 stereograms of the 7-foil torus knot on its torus
Wavelet transform of a bidimensional fractal field (bird's-eye view)
The colors and the white lines display respectively the modulus and the 0 phase lines of the wavelet transform of a fractal height field (a mountain).
The anisotropic gaussian Fourier filtering of a random field with a 2.pi rotation of the kernel
A tribute to Yves Tanguy
A tribute to Laurent Schwartz
Homogeneous random meshing of a cube
Homogeneous random meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional fractal field- random meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional fractal field- random meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional gaussian field- random meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional gaussian field- random meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional anti-gaussian field- random meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional anti-gaussian field- random meshing of a cube
Homogeneous random non linear meshing of a cube
Homogeneous random non linear meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional fractal field- random non linear meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional fractal field- random non linear meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional gaussian field- random non linear meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional gaussian field- random non linear meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional anti-gaussian field- random non linear meshing of a cube
Heterogeneous -tridimensional anti-gaussian field- random non linear meshing of a cube
A tribute to Philippe Druillet