On June 10 2020 our latest exhibition I AM A. I. will launch in a digital format. Originally conceived as a travelling exhibition, due to the pandemic situation, we developed new formats to bring I AM A. I. into every household around the globe. Available on www.i-am.ai.Devamını oku
New project "Oberwolfach meets IMAGINARY" started

The new project “Oberwolfach meets IMAGINARY” funded by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung started! It is a three years project (2013 - 2016) with several work plans focusing on the communication of modern mathematics and current mathematical research. The core idea of this new project is to connect the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, one of the most important mathematical research institutes worldwide, and IMAGINARY.
Mathematicians carrying out research at the institute are invited to become “content providers”, in particular to write the so called “Snapshots of Modern Mathematics”, i. e. texts about their current research for a broader public.
Another work plan will focus on “Media from Oberwolfach” connected to modern mathematics. Images, films, simulations and other software programs will be taken and re-designed to be used for general math communication. We are planning to create more exhibits for our IMAGINARY exhibitions and also our museum partners.
And of course, the IMAGINARY platform will be further extended and adapted to host these new media, and also to invite other research insttitutes to participate. A special workplan will be carried out for the creation of an international network of math communicators and math content providers.
The project is designed to promote the understanding and appreciation of modern mathematics and mathematical research in the general public world-wide.