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MathLapse- L- System for Single Knot Kolam Pattern Generation II

Lindermayer system is a parallel rewriting system and a type of formal grammar. It consists of an alphabet of symbols that can be used to make strings, a collection of production rules that expand each symbol into some larger string of symbols.
The recursive nature of L system rules leads to self similarity and thereby fractal like forms are easy to describe with an L system. This nature is applied in generating kolam pattern. Kolam pattern becomes more complex by increasing the iteration level.

Software: Python Turtle Graphics

MathLapse- L- System for Single Knot Kolam Pattern Generation

In the art form of SUZHI KOLAM/ KAMBI KOLAM, dots called pulli are arranged in rhombic, square, triangular, or free shapes, and a single, uninterrupted linear or curvilinear line, called the kambi, intertwines the dots.
Lindermayer system is a parallel rewriting system and a type of formal grammar. It consists of an alphabet of symbols that can be used to make strings, a collection of production rules that expand each symbol into some larger string of symbols.
The recursive nature of L system rules leads to self similarity and thereby fractal like forms are easy to describe with an L system. This nature is applied in generating kolam pattern. Kolam pattern becomes more complex by increasing the iteration level.
Software: Python Turtle Graphics

Mathlapse - Patterns of Nature

A wonderful way to describe natural shapes using the language of mathematics is provided by self-similar patterns. The idea is to repeat the same base module on different scales and positions, following an iterative process that gives rise to very complicated and amazing results. By iterating the process infinitely many times one can often obtain a very interesting mathematical object: a fractal.


Genaster is a generalized asteroids game. The classic asteroids game glues the left screen edge with the right one and top edge with the bottom and therefore has a torus topology. This application considers other ways of gluing the screen edges.

