Jean Constant - Minimal surfaces
Two example of a 25 images portfolio based on the exploration of Richard Palais’ 3D-XplorMath software and focusing on space curves (knots, cycloids, ellipses), surfaces (parametric surfaces, minimal surfaces, pseudo spherical surfaces, implicit surfaces), conformal maps, polyhedra and fractals.
The resulting wireframe outlines were manipulated in various vector and raster graphic applications and are available on Jean’s site at

Jovean bees
Solitons are stable solitary waves that behave like particles and maintain their shape while they travel at constant speed. This is an example of a 4 soliton wave figure wireframe over a fractal background. The image was used by NSF Rita Colwell for a presentation at a Mathematical Sciences Colloquium.
Example #1 of a 25 images portfolio based on the exploration of Richard Palais software 3D-XplorMath visualization program. The resulting outlines were later manipulated in vector and raster graphic application and are available at: http://www.

Enneper surface
The Enneper’s surface is a self-intersecting surface minimal surface somewhat hard to visualize because of its self-intersections. The surface wireframe was created in 3DXplorMath and manipulated in a raster graphic program.