5 Nov. 2018

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are among the most important current scientific topics with an enormous potential and importance for our future. Their key methods, their current research and their scope and implications for society have to be explored in an open, participatory and interdisciplinary way, involving both experts and the general public, in order to commonly identify solutions for our future.

We, at IMAGINARY, decided to dedicate a big part of our ressources to start and implement projects in the field of “AI communication / outreach / engagement”. Our vision is to setup an open source ecosystem to enable exchange and knowledge transfer on AI and ML in four main sections:

    1. AI knowledge transfer: communication of current algorithms, methods, state of the art, research.

    2. AI applications: showcase of start-ups, initiatives and projects with applications.

    3. AI creativity: presenting new forms of interaction and possibilities with AI.

    4. AI vision and society: discussions and exchange on AI’s future role and impact.

In a first phase, we developed a series of projects and created a network of partners. The projects include:

  • a series of exhibits in the field of AI & music (to be inaugurated in May 2019 at our upcoming maths & music exhibition)
  • a series of workshops on “Communicating (with) AI” with companies and research partners in connection to our STEAM Hub project
  • a dedicated “The Mathematics of Machine Learning” 3.5-day workshop at our IMAGINARY Conference 2018
  • a workshop and open curriculum to communicate core concepts of AI and ML in schools (in a modular form, analogue, in discussions, through software and also using hardwarre as robots and other devices)
  • an open platform to collect and share AI exhibits and other formats in collaboration with State
  • individual exhibits to be shown in the German Year of Artificial Intelligence 2019
  • an Augmented Reality Episode on AI as part of the Holo-Math project (a project by Institut Henri Poincaré with partners One More, HoloForge and IMAGINARY)
  • a research project on connecting and explaining AI to a general public
  • a plan for a whole AI exhibition

We will share our current list of partners soon and will keep you updated on the launch of our “AI initiatives”.

Your (artificially intelligent) IMAGINARY team


Todas las noticias

10 Oct. 2014

Together with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) South Africa and the AIMS Next Einstein Initiative, IMAGINARY is planning a series of events to boost mathematics communication on the African continent in the near future. After the first very successful event in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, we will introduce two upcoming events: a congress in Rabat, Morocco, and a workshop-conference in Cape Town, South Africa.Leer más

13 Ago. 2014

IMAGINARY is present at the ICM 2014 in Seoul with the biggest exhibition so far, NIMS-IMAGINARY and a special panel titled “Mathematics communication for the future - a vision slam”. Furthermore IMAGINARY is collaboration partner of the...Leer más

25 Jun. 2014

There will be a big IMAGINARY exhibition in Heidelberg, Germany, July 20 - August 10!
The Kulturhaus Karlstorbahnhof is an attractive location, which even has its own movie theater.

There will be four exhibition stations:

  1. The well known IMAGINARY
  2. ...Leer más
15 Abr. 2014

El Centro de Arte y Tecnología de Zaragoza, Etopía, abrió el pasado 9 de abril un nuevo espacio expositivo «Ciencia Remix», que incluye dos exposiciones: Matopía y Ciencia Ciudadana.

Matopía es una exposición matemática que incluye entre otros los módulos MarteMáticas (matemáticas en el arte), Suertes (sobre el azar), o el programa SURFER de...Leer más

8 Abr. 2014

El juego 2048 original fue creado por el joven programador italiano de 19 años Gabriele Cirulli (ver el originall). Este juego online se ha convertido en todo un fenómeno viral, probablemente por lo atractivo de su simplicidad. ¿Todavía no te has enganchado?

¡Prueba la versión SURFER del juego!

...Leer más
