Jean Constant - Polyhedra
In geometry, polyhedra are three-dimensional solids consisting of a collection of polygons joined at their edges. Convex polyhedra and truncated icosidodecahedra are constructed by placing regular polygons at the rotational axes of a polyhedral symmetry group.
In this presentation, the polyhedra constitute the dynamic thread of a 13 image series available on Jean’s site and inspired by the work of mathematicians George Hart & Craig Kaplan on symmetrohedra.

Icosahedral symmetry #1
The original polyhedra outlines were transformed and manipulated in a vector based graphic program.
The image background is composed of thousand colored blocks that represent all the file in a computer workstation. Each rectangle size is proportional to the file’s size. This was made possible by a small utility developed by artist and software engineer Erwin Bonsma.

icosahedral symmetry #2
The various polyhedra shapes were extracted from Hart & C.Kaplan template and the outlines redefined and manipulated in a vector based graphic program.
The background of the image is a representation of all the file in a computer workstation system. The visualization was made possible by scanning the system files with a utility created by Erwin Bonsma.
The Droste effect of the composite image was made in G. Bousquet’s software, SeamlessMaker.