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Modern Mathematics Communications — An Asian Focus
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Modern Mathematics Communications — An Asian Focus
The article introduces IMAGINARY, a project that started out as a single mathematics exhibition and has since grown into a full non-profit organisation over the last ten years. It tries to address questions such as: ‘How can we best communicate mathematics?’, with interactive and stimulating exhibitions, online resources, and exploring any imaginable way to communicate mathematical concepts. One of its defining features is that it also addresses current mathematics research topics. Here we will give an overview of past events, and exhibitions organised by IMAGINARY with a focus on Asia, as well as to give a how to guide to how future mathematics related exhibitions and events can be organised and implemented.
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Matematiksel konular

Cebir ve Sayılar Kuramı


Eğitim ve Eğitim Bilimi

Ayrık Matematik ve Matematiğin Temelleri

Geometri ve Topoloji

Nümerik ve Hesap Analizi

Olasılık Kuramı ve İstatistik
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Bilgisayar Bilimeri

Mühendislik ve Teknoloji


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