A first MathLapse-Festival will be organized at the IMAGINARY conference (IC16), where the winners will be announced and their MathLapse movies will be screened. It is not necessary to...Lire la suite
IMAGINARY in Springer Book
IMAGINARY in Springer Book
11 sep. 2012

Cover of the Book
IMAGINARY is part of the new book “Raising Public Awareness of Mathematics” by Springer: in the article “Mathematics Between Research, Applications, and Communication” by Gert-Martin Greuel and in the article “IMAGINARY and the Open Source Math Exhibition Platform” by Andreas Matt. It is also mentioned in several articles, as for example in the article on the website mathematik.de or in the article on the German Year of Mathematics. In the book you will find an exhaustive case study and many ideas on how to communicate maths to a broad public! More info at the Springer page.